We had one seder this year, at the Goldblatt's house, where we spend many a holiday! They are an amazing family, and every year they welcome new guests with open arms. There us no limit to the laughter and fun that goes on in this house! Here's a little glimpse into... Passover. 2009.
the group
Alisha, Doug, Tracy & Daniel
you normally love posing for my pictures, Erin ;)
see! E & Erin... so cute
Brian sitting in the leaders' seat
getting the afikomen ready
Debi leading us in our "funny" songs
Alisha & Aaron
this is what happens when you give up control of the camera... haha
brisket-- yuuummmyyy!!
the seder plate
Steve (aka "Goldie")
Babalu striking a pose
Brian & Justin - I think this is supposed to be the "sexy" look...
me & Erin
Dolly... getting the royal treatment from Justin & Ethan
here we go...
playing nice
Debi & Goldie... aw
classic Debi ;)
another successful holiday!
Thanks Debi, Steve, Brad & Brian for being the best hosts!