Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Letter to Baby West

Dear Baby,

Today I am 16 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and tomorrow, we will finally find out if you are a boy or a girl. Your daddy and I absolutely cannot wait! (Although I think I'm the only one having dreams about the doctor's appointment!) Our regular doctor had to cancel our appointment which is a bummer, but we made one at an imaging center so we will also get to see you in 3D/4D!! I feel like you are a girl... I don't really know why. I guess I always thought my first baby would be a girl, and since we lost Bubi (your great-grandmother) last year, I feel like she sent you to us and knows that we plan to honor her when we name you. :) (Which we plan on doing whether you're a girl or a boy). I've been thinking in pink and designing your nursery in my head with girl in mind.  But I've also been thinking about what I would want your room to look like if you're a boy. I've got great colors and bedding in mind... and with Sandy helping design the nursery, it will be amazing regardless! If you are a boy, you will be a great big brother to possibly a little sister one day! Also, being a girl myself and having 2 younger brothers (in law, but the same to me), that's fun, too! You can give great girl advice later in life haha You will be mommy and daddy's angel no matter what... though you will have younger siblings, you are our first child. You will make me a mommy, and Brian a daddy. I have dreamt about being a mom my entire life. Ever since I played house with my dolls and stuffed pillows under my clothes to make myself look pregnant. :)

You are my dream come true.

Your daddy and I have talked about having children really the entire time we've been together (almost 9 and a half years now!), and I can't believe it's finally happening. You, little one, who is growing in my belly as I type this, are a perfect combination of your dad and me. A symbol of the love we have shared for so long, and symbolizing that we are now  ready to become a family of 3. I cannot wait to see what you look like! As an only child I don't feel like I truly have anyone in my family that looks like me, and I hope to see a little bit of me in you. Though, I hope you have your daddy's nose, his smile, his eyes... and his smarts! ;) I hope, if you're a girl, that you have my hair. Because I'm not gonna lie... I was blessed with some pretty good hair genes (thanks mom and dad!). G-d willing you won't inherit my eyesight... because that's not so good! I hope you have my sense of adventure and willingness to try new things. I hope you're neither a spender or a saver (like me and your dad, respectively), but rather a combination of both. I hope you love country music as much as I do, and will love sushi like both your dad and I. I hope you learn how to enjoy life, and when to take it seriously. Above all else, I hope you will be the happiest baby, child, and adult ever.

This week, apparently you are about the size of an avocado. (Speaking of which your dad makes a mean guacamole! You'll see.) Approximately 4.6 inches, 3.5 ounces. You are growing at a pretty rapid rate! The tiny little bones in your ears are forming, so apparently you can hear now! Very exciting. I'm trying to calm my road rage so you don't come out used to hearing phrases such as "what the *#^% are you doing, you a$$&@^#!?"... really, I am. Instead I have been playing you Sugarland and Michael Jackson music, which hopefully you're enjoying in there. I have also been singing to you a little, in hopes that when I try and sing you to sleep you'll already be used to my mediocre voice. Your legs are now longer than your arms, and your reflexive movements and muscle control are developing, so you can now grasp with your hands... it's a good thing you're not out here yet to grab the glasses off my face! (By the time you arrive I will be back in my contacts.) Your eyebrows and little eyelashes are starting to fill in, which will become very useful when batting your eyes at daddy and I. (Hint: We will be suckers for this. Especially your dad. Please don't take advantage.)

Little munchkin, I love you so much already. I can't wait to see you take your first breath, to hear your first cry, to hold you in my arms and tell you face to face how very much daddy and I love you and have waited our whole lives just to meet you.

We will love you forever. That's a promise.

Yesterday I think  I might have felt your first movements, but I am not totally sure. While laying in bed watching tv, I felt a little "pop" on my lower right abdomen, right about my pelvis. I told your dad, but wasn't sure that was you. I felt it again in the same spot a few minutes later and said to him, "I think I just felt the baby". He got very excited and put his hand on you, well, on me (even though he won't be able to feel you form the outside for a while), and spoke to you. I love when he talks to my belly. :) I hope you can hear him. I wish I could have an ultrasound to see you and listen to your heartbeat every day. I am such a worrier and always want to know that you're in there, safe and sound, with your little heart beating away. I hope soon I will feel you fluttering inside me more consistently, and then feel your kicks soon after that. I have always been fascinated with pregnant women and wanted to feel the baby kick in their bellies (don't worry, I don't creepily go up to strangers or anything!), and soon I will feel my own baby kicking away inside of me. I just can't wait!!

Whether you are a boy or a girl, I want you to know how very much I love you, how much your daddy loves you, and how much our family and our friends already love you. We are all anxiously awaiting your arrival! You are due on December 5... but since you're Jewish and by default run on JST (Jewish Standard Time), you will probably follow in your mommy's footsteps and be late. Just a hunch. ;) It's ok, I hope my womb is making a lovely, cozy home for you... but just remember we have a much nicer home waiting for you in the outside world. Soon we will start working on your nursery, and you're going to love it! (Please learn to sleep in there eventually...)

I'll write to you again soon, my little love. Sending you virtual kisses and hugs. 

With Love,
your mommy