Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pop! goes the belly...

I think it's safe to say that my belly has now "popped". It still has quite a ways to go, but on a day to day basis I think I definitely appear pregnant. I'm now 18 weeks, 3 days, and baby girl has been kicking away! Her kicks feels like little taps on the inside, like pops... but lately I've been feeling her at least once or twice a day. I notice her kicks more when I'm sitting-- I think it's because she has less room so I'm feeling her kicks more. Though I do worry sometimes that I'm constricting her space and she's in there going "mommy! you're squishing me!" Hopefully that's not the case... I'm calling her my little kickaroo ;) Everyone keeps asking me if we've chosen a name for her yet... the answer is a two-parter. Yes, she has a name. But sorry, we will not be sharing until she's born. ;)

At 18 weeks, baby girl is about the size of a sweet potato (aaw...), at least according to She is passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. Wow! I always think about what she's doing in there and wondering if she's bored haha Her bones are becoming more calcified, and her spinal cord is being wrapped with myelin, a protective sheath that speeds transmission of nervous impulses. Her eyes are now sensitive to light and she will supposedly change position to avoid bright light. I think that's why I feel her kick more when I'm in bed with the blanket covering my belly. :) She is about 5.6 inches (crown to rump) and weighs approximately 6.7 oz. Growing by the minute!

Brian takes a weekly picture of my belly progression, and I decided to make a little chart showing the last 10 weeks... so here it is!


I have 2 more doctors appointments next week so I'll have more pictures of baby girl to share then!